Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What I Wore... But Not Really

This is an outfit post. But, since I don't shop at fancy stores, didn't bother dressing up, and don't remember where my clothes have come from, it's not quite your typical outfit post! The main point of this was to show off my new babies, the Casita wedge sandals that I won from a Blowfish giveaway on Amy Morby's blog! (Thank you so much for them, by the way!) I also blogged about them earlier here.

When I won, I cheered for so long, you don't even know. I've never won a giveaway before. Plus, I have been eyeing those shoes for ages, wishing that one day I'd be able to wear a pair. And now I can! My (material) life is complete! I snagged the last pair of black ones in my size. That was a close one!

And now for les pictures...
That's more like it!
And now for some jumping pictures, inspired by Kaylah, Andrea, and Elycia... They really are super-fun!

 And a jumping fail. I somehow nailed it in the first shot and proceeded to take 294801 more (which I shall not bore you with)!

Oh and, if you haven't already, please check out my shop on Etsy, it's brand new and I'd love for you to look around!
<3 Linda

PS. Sorry for all the jumbled-up posts... I will be doing Things I Love on Thursday this week, since I wanted to post this today!


  1. Awe, you're adorable! I love those shoes! Thank you for the sweet comment!
    xo, Elsie

  2. Ahh, love those shoes- congrats on winning them! I wanted them too, but they sold out of my size!

    star-crossed smile

  3. YES! I'm so so happy you got them and you look uh-mazing. Congrats!!


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