Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bamboozled: Close Call

During the Labor Day weekend, I decided to keep busy by working on a print, knowing that I wouldn't get a chance to experiment with my tablet once school starts. This is what I came up with, and I'm pretty proud of it considering it's my first time using Painter as well as my first time completely using a tablet (sketching on the computer with no scanning involved):

Ooh, definitely have to clean some lines. It's going to be one of four nymphs, based on the elements.
After spending a day touching it up on Photoshop, I saved and printed it only to be horrified by the terrible pixel quality! Somehow, when I transferred the picture from Corel Painter to Photoshop, the image resized itself to just over ONE inch without my noticing! How? I have no clue. But my overly-paranoid self managed to save a billion copies of the unfinished normal-sized image on a Corel RIFF file, so I'm not extremely upset about it. I'm going to work to reconstruct it so that I won't feel like that weekend was a waste. I'm about 50% done so far! Not too shabby. That was a close call though, I'm so glad I saved a copy!

<3 Linda

1 comment:

  1. I'm loving it so far!! great idea for the four elements. close calls are never a good feeling when you work so hard on something and I know that sinking sensation well when I have lost one. can't wait to see more : )


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