Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Just Popping in to Say...

That I made my first sale! The bone clip is now gone and I will probably be making another one soon with different thread because I just love it a lot. I definitely wasn't expecting to sell anything within 2 months, so yay for little accomplishments! This is my first dollar... ever. (I never had a job before this, sad I know). But it's cool to think that my first dollar was an online one!

I wish this could be a longer and more picture-filled post, but alas, the time has come for homework. I'm already behind in reading even though the quarter's just begun. Oh college...
<3 Linda


  1. Congrats on your first sale! The stuff in your shop is super cute- I know it'll be the first of many! d(*^___^*)b

  2. Awesome! The bone clip was seriously amazing.


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